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Elder Shepherd, Rogerio and Kristiane Klein, Elder Moroni |
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Parade - Gaucho's (Cowboys) |
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More Gauchos |
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Note the Dog with Gauchos |
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Old School Wagon Celebrating the early Gaucho Pioneers |
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Country shot in Rosario do Sul |
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Soccer Field and Random Dogs |
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Largest white sand beach in Brazil aptly called Areias Brancas - White Sands |
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My companion in Rosario do Sul Elder Ferreira |
was your week?
Very good and extremely hot.
Did you get any packages yet?
Nope. I´ll for sure get all the ones
in Santa Maria tomorrow
Did you get the box from Sister Taylor (she was going to leave it at the Mission Home on Saturday)?
I´ll get that one tomorrow too. Tell
her thanks a ton!
What is your new apartment like?
It bakes in the sun all day. So when
we get inside it´s like an oven. But we have like 3 fans going in our room all
night so that helps a ton.
Are there any transfers this time?
Yes I´ll explain below.
Have you ridden a horse yet on your mission?
I wish. It´s against the
rules..........for now. haha
Did you have your baptisms yesterday? If so, how did it go?
Yes we had our 3 baptisms on
Saturday. It was a very spiritual day. Amazing.
did you find a basketball court yet? Have you played golf on PDay yet or will
the rules allow you to?
They have only one bball court here
but it´s at a school and we can´t play on Mondays cuz the kids are in school. And
we will be playing golf here one of these weeks I think. the guys are trying to
find clubs for us to use cuz the course doesn´t rent them out.
Hey Family!
We had an awesome week. We taught 41
lessons this last week. The best part of it was the baptism though. It was
super spiritual. I am so excited for this family. It´s crazy how they´ll be
getting married in the Temple next October and I´ll still be in the mission. The
weather has been getting really hot, that´s for sure. I´m dying of sweat.
So on the transfers... my companion
is leaving the area to be a zone leader in another city in the mission. I will
be opening an area in this same city and I will be training a new missionary. So
I have yet to find out his name or things about him. I guess president feels I´m
ready. I will be in the side that Elder Mason was on and he will be on my side
with a new companion. The side that Elder Mason was on had some neighborhoods
that were shut down to missionaries because of crime. President had the Zone
leaders tell me that the whole area is open for me now. So we´ll see how those
crazy neighborhoods go. I feel like I´ll be training a Brazilian but I will for
sure let you know. Elder Mason´s companion is leaving to open a new area and to
be the district leader there. I am very excited and cannot wait to get that
part of the city rolling. It´s sad though cuz there are several families in my
area that I feel like could help ready
them for baptism, but the lord has a plan for me.
I have really been studying the Book
of Mormon a lot lately. The end of the book of Alma is so interesting. Can you
imagine how crazy of a movie the Book of Mormon would be?
How are the presidential races
looking? We hear things here and there, but nothing that helps me know what´s
going on. Just a lot of people tell us that we are the same religion as Mitt Romney...
I´m like no, seriously? haha. Hopefully
we will get to go golfing, I´ve been looking forward to it for a while now. We
just haven´t gotten a chance. The guys at the course really want to play
against us and told us that they´d pay for it, they´re just trying to get ahold
of some clubs for us.
We didn´t have anyone at church other than the
family that we baptized, So there is no one progressing there to tell you
about. I have to go to Santa Maria tomorrow morning and I´ll be there all day.
Then at night we will meet our new companions and eat pizza at president´s
house. Then on Wednesday we have a meeting ‘til noon for the new people and the
trainers, Then back here again. So these next couple of days will be
I can feel my testimony grow every
day. Sometimes when we are teaching I honestly don´t feel like I´m the one
talking, it´s like I feel the Spirit pulsing through me and saying everything
for me. My companion sometimes tells me after that he didn´t know I could speak
that well. Then I just tell him that I didn´t know either. haha. It´s amazing
the knowledge I have gained as I become more and more in tune with the spirit.
You can read a person, and what they are thinking so much better. You can
literally feel the spirit tell you what lesson a person needs to hear and what
they need in their lives. I love it. There have been times where I will randomly
change the subject because I feel like we are losing someone. Then the lesson
goes from boring to super spiritual. I know that this church is true. I know
that families really can be together forever. That´s what keeps me going and
makes me want to find all of the people possible to teach.
I love you all. I am so grateful I
was born into such an amazing family. I hope all is well. Keep up the good work
in school and in sports Taylor and Hailey!
Elder Shepherd